Lumecca IPL Photofacial Winnipeg

Lumecca IPL Photofacial Winnipeg

Lumecca IPL is a powerful intense pulsed light used to treat pigmented and vascular lesions.

Book Lumecca IPL

What does Lumecca IPL treat?

In just 1-3 sessions, Lumecca IPL improves the appearance of age spots, vascular lesions, spider veins, sun damage and rosacea (redness)

Lumecca IPL can be used on the face, neck, chest, hands, legs and arms.


Sun Damage

Age Spots


Vascular Lesions

Lumecca IPL FAQ

How many sessions are required?

An improved appearance can be noted in as little as one session. Typically, we treat in a series of three sessions. The treatment schedule depends on severity of skin damage, skin type and the type of treatment (vascular vs sun damage).  You must avoid direct sun exposure for 2-3 weeks prior to treatment.

What should I expect after a treatment?

Over the next 24-48 hours, you may see a darkening of pigmented spots and in approximately one week the pigmented lesions begin to flake off, leading to a improved skin texture/complexion.

What are the side effects?

Most people do not experience any side effects and redness should resolve in few hours. Make up can be reapplied immediately after treatment. You must ensure to wear SPF for the weeks following treatment.

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